Drama Club Performance!

The Drama Club has been meeting at Central throughout the school year under the direction of Lia Wallace from the American Shakespeare Center.  The Drama Club has been diligently preparing material for their performance on Sunday, April 22 at 5 PM. The performance will take place at the Blackfriars Playhouse located at 10 S. Market Street, and is part of the Shakespeare’s Birthday Party celebration hosted by the ASC. There will also be activity booths, cake, and a bouncy house. The event will run from 4:30-6 PM. Come out for an afternoon of fun for the whole family and support two of our very own Centralites, Betsy Gutshall & Kainoa Peters, as they share their performance in the Playhouse.

Easter Offering

A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the special Easter Offering. Together we collected $2,271 in total! That money will be used to support Valley Supportive Housing in the Staunton area and UMCOR relief on a global level.

2017 Easter Offering to Benefit World Service

The special Easter Offering this year will go towards World Service.  This offering reminds us of Central’s position in the connectional United Methodist Church.  Through our World Service apportionment, Central can participate in the effort to improve global health and assist the poor, two of the major focus areas of the United Methodist Church in 2017.  Plus, it helps us look beyond our sheltered environment here in the Shenandoah Valley to places which are in dire need of assistance.  Please help us support World Service by being generous with your Easter offering.

-Joe Hill, Finance Chairman